Myofascial Self-Release for Stiff Body & Sore Muscles

Myofascial Self-Release for Stiff Body & Sore Muscles

Did you know…? Mechanical pressure on the trigger points (usually found in the belly of the muscle) can relax your muscles 3 times faster than stretching. Using a few simple tools in this series we will learn to self-release sore muscles and fascial knots and feel flexible instantly. You will need a full-length foam roller, tennis ball, and towel. The best time for this series is the "evening". Do this program regularly for only 3 months (1-2 times per week) along with your Yoga, Pilates, and Strength training sessions to see a drastic change in alignments and posture and a promising reduction in chronic pains.

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Myofascial Self-Release for Stiff Body & Sore Muscles